
Dockerfiles are an essential tool in the development and deployment of Docker-based applications. They are essentially scripts that define the build process for a Docker image. Writing good Dockerfiles is critical for ensuring that your application runs correctly and efficiently in Docker containers. In this article, I will share some tips and best practices for writing good Dockerfiles.

Base Image

The first step in writing a Dockerfile is to choose a base image. A base image is a pre-built image that forms the starting point for your application. It's normally specified by the FROM directive. You can think of it as the foundation upon which your application will be built. Choosing the right base image is essential for a few reasons. First, it can save you a lot of time and effort in building your application from scratch. Second, it ensures that your application has all the necessary dependencies and libraries installed.

When choosing a base image, it's important to select one that is lightweight and secure. A good rule of thumb is to use official images from the Docker Hub or another trusted source. For example, if you're building a Python application, you might choose the official Python image as your base image.

The more lines you use in the Dockerfile the more layers are generated and the larger the resulting image becomes. Docker images are built up of multiple layers, each of which represents a discrete set of changes to the image. Understanding these layers is essential for building efficient and maintainable Docker images. Each layer is essentially a snapshot of the state of the image at a particular point in time. Layers are immutable, meaning that once a layer is created, it cannot be modified. Instead, any changes to the image are made by creating a new layer on top of the existing ones.

Here's a sample Dockerfile:

FROM python:3.9
CMD ["python", ""]

When you build this Dockerfile, Docker will create two layers:

  1. A base layer that is based on the official Python 3.9 image. This layer contains all the files and libraries that are necessary to run Python.
  2. A new layer that adds the file to the image.

Now, let's say you modify the file and rebuild the image. When you do this, Docker will only need to rebuild the second layer, as the base layer is already cached on your system. This means that the build process will be faster and more efficient.

Using layers effectively can have a big impact on the performance of your Docker images. By breaking your Dockerfile down into small, focused steps, you can ensure that each layer contains only the changes that are necessary. This not only speeds up the build process but also makes your images easier to maintain and update over time.

It's also worth noting that Docker uses a technique called "copy-on-write" to manage layers. When you create a new layer, Docker doesn't actually copy all the files from the underlying layers. Instead, it creates a reference to the files in the lower layer and only adds the files that are new or modified in the new layer. This means that Docker images are typically very lightweight, as they only contain the changes that are necessary.

Avoid Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes people make when writing Dockerfiles is to try to do too much in a single file. This can lead to long, complex Dockerfiles that are difficult to understand and maintain. Instead, aim to keep your Dockerfiles simple and focused. Each Dockerfile should have a clear purpose and should be easy to understand.

To keep your Dockerfiles simple, use a modular approach. Break down your Dockerfile into smaller, more manageable files. For example, you might have a separate Dockerfile for your application code, one for your database, and another for your web server. This makes it easier to understand what's going on in each file and to make changes when needed.


One of the most significant benefits of Docker is that it allows you to cache the results of previous builds. This means that if you make a small change to your application code, you don't need to rebuild everything from scratch. Instead, Docker can use the cached layers to speed up the build process.

To take advantage of caching, it's important to structure your Dockerfile in the right way. Docker caches each layer of your Dockerfile separately. This means that if you change something in a later layer, all the previous layers will be cached and reused. To maximize caching, try to structure your Dockerfile so that the layers that change most frequently come last.


To build a Dockerfile, you first need to make sure you have Docker installed on your machine. Once you have Docker installed, navigate to the directory where your Dockerfile is located using the terminal or command prompt.

Once you're in the correct directory, you can use the docker build command to build your Dockerfile. The basic syntax for this command is:

docker build -t <image-name> .

Here, <image-name> is the name you want to give to your Docker image, and the . at the end tells Docker to use the current directory as the build context.

When you run this command, Docker will read the instructions in your Dockerfile and build the image layer by layer. Each step in the Dockerfile will create a new layer, and Docker will cache each layer as it's built so that subsequent builds can be faster.

Once the build process is complete, you should see a message indicating that the image was successfully built. You can then run your image as a container using the docker run command.

There are many other options and features you can use when building Docker images, such as specifying the base image you want to use, using build arguments to pass in variables at build time, and more. But hopefully this gives you a good idea of how the process works at a high level.

In another article I may get into more detailed things to consider. Some Dockerfiles are simple while applications with lots of parts will not be.